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How Gen Z Is Re-Defining Digital

They’re mobile-minded, TikTok-obsessed, and probably confused by your CD collection: Generation Z is not to be taken lightly as the next wave of digital consumers with enormous purchasing power.

Who is Generation Z?

Generation Z is Tech-Savvy

Gen Z is one of the first generations (as a cohort) to be fluent in rapid information gathering. They can sift through institutional messages, to filter out excess noise, and to identify voices they can trust.

Generation Z Has Huge Purchasing Power

How Marketers Can Win with Generation Z

#1: Target Cross-Channel Digitally

Tip: Think about how your Expanded Text Ads appear. Also, take advantage of things like callout extensions and site link extensions on your ads to ensure an easy as possible path to purchase.

#2: Mobile-Minded

#3: Social. Media. Influencers.

#4: Open-Minded, Culturally Aware

#5: Engage, Don’t Advertise

Best Channels To Promote Your eCommerce Business To Gen Z

Social Media Presence

Authentic Influencer Marketing

Brick and Mortar Presence

Gen Z's Tax-Smart Generation: Illuminating Digital Marketing's Tax Implications

Who I am today may not be who I am tomorrow. Change, grow, and adapt with me as my identity will always be evolving.

Gen Z's Entrepreneurial Spirit and Digital Marketing

Tax Challenges Faced by Gen Z

Tax Intelligence and Awareness Of Gen Z

As noted by a survey in 2022, 43% of Gen Z’s reported that they work remotely. This trend reflects the broader shift in work dynamics, as 13% of the overall U.S. workforce, including Gen Z, has transitioned to a fully remote work model.

Companies may need to revamp their employee engagement strategies. 

This also means that they typically receive most of their income through freelance work rather than a single employer like boomers tended to do. 

Keeping track of this income is crucial, and tools like a paystub creator or pay stub maker to prove income fast can simplify the process for independent workers.

Consider enhancing your revamped strategies by incorporating thoughtful employee appreciation gifts, fostering a positive and motivated work environment.

So what does this mean? – they are less likely to be exposed to traditional payroll services. This dependence on the gig economy, where most employment opportunities consist of payment periods that lie outside typical federal reporting requirements (unless they reach huge deposits) has resulted in a lack of tax awareness among this generation.

Fortunately, this is where technology might finally have the right solution. Online tax prep programs have rapidly gained recognition as an easier and more efficient way for consumers to conquer their taxes. Though it’s got a bit of a learning curve with setup and includes reading and understanding the basics, such as deductions, credits, exemptions, while the system simultaneously develops solutions that ensures compliance can support businesses in many ways — all within an automated system which will prove to be helpful for Gen Zers.

Depending on the freelancer’s business, they may require heavy-duty software. For example, if the freelancer plans to incorporate, uses subcontractors, or handles a lot of invoices. Considering their situation, choosing the best HR software may be the best option. If you’re a freelancer, you can learn more about HR software for payroll in this guide by SnackNation.

The technology they use may also change depending on their industry. For example, a Gen Zer running a medical business may require advanced software for charge capture.

But that’s just one part of the puzzle; to really help people out, we need services that not only give advice, but also help reduce stress when it’s crunch time (like TAX DAY). These kinds of solutions are perfect for young folks who do gigs or have side hustles – they make it easy to understand the confusing laws and know how much to save up for filing taxes. This way, they can make the most money possible without ‘freaking out’ when taxes are due (and no more sweating while waiting for refunds).

It’s no surprise that the upcoming generation of digitally savvy professionals (aka Gen Z) is setting itself up to face unprecedented tax consequences. As digital marketing becomes increasingly prevalent, so does its associated “tax intelligence gap.” Faced with an ever-evolving landscape of legislation, these brave young adults are working hard to unlock this hidden knowledge and understand the rapidly changing tax implications of their chosen career paths.

GenZ don’t let obstacles hold them back and they’re always on top of the latest tech. They have taken the time and made the effort needed to complete the hard-lifting and have already made significant strides toward closing the “tax intelligence gap” by uncovering numerous tax implications related to selling online services or goods related to digital marketing.